Our service team’s unique experience are reasons why McConnell Jones provides audit and consulting services to various cities, municipalities, and state agencies across the country.

Services for State and Local Audits include:

  • Financial Statement Audit
  • Compliance Audit
  • Single Audit
  • Agreed-Upon Procedures
  • Budgeting for Municipalities
  • Annual Debt Statements
  • Financial Data for Public Debt Issuance
  • Authority and Special District Audits
  • Joint Insurance Funds
  • Internal Controls
  • HUD Project Audits
  • Contract Auditing
  • Attestation Services

Process Improvement and Risk Mitigation

In addition to audit services, McConnell Jones also provides internal audit and internal controls services to various state, local, and school districts to assist with process improvement and risk mitigation.

Our Commitment

The Power of Diverse Thinking

Our Commitment

Better Scoping
Less Billing Surprises

Our Commitment

Technology Streamlining Audit and Tax Process

Our Commitment

High Staff Retention
Consistent Service Teams

Our Commitment

Superior Communications

Our Commitment

Transparency & Accountability

A better perspective.

Our work in the federal space gives our clients a better perspective of the reporting needs of federal and state grants made to states and municipalities. 


Deepa Chandrie

Senior Audit Manager, Public Sector Practice

Traveler. Hiker. Avid Reader.

Imran Khimani

Senior Audit Manager, Audit & Assurance Services

Nature Lover. Knowledge Seeker. Palmist.

Chuck Kozlik

Partner, Governmental, Non Profit

Football Fanatic. Wine Enthusiast. Awesome Dad.

How Can Our Unique Perspectives Assist You?

If you have any questions or just want to reach out to one of our experts, use the form and we’ll get back to you promptly.