Diwali Greetings

by | Oct 19, 2017 | Uncategorized


By Hasmukh Joshi, ACA

My Dear Auditor Friends,


On the occasion of Diwali, I am sending you best wishes for the upcoming Hindu New Year.

I have gone through our several years of relations and related the experiences in my personal, social, and professional life to bring you this Diwali Greeting.

Your Responsibility for the Relationship

You are responsible for the your side of the relationship in accordance with friendship principles generally accepted in the entire world. This includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the friendship that are free from self interest, whether due to fraud or error.

My Responsibility

My responsibility is to maintain this friendship from my end. I do this to the best of my ability in accordance with friendship standards generally accepted in the entire world. Those standards require that I do my utmost to keep this friendship intact and free of any outside interference.

My Best Wishes

I hope

  1. All of you will get instant response to your request for your PBC items in the coming Hindu New Year.
  2. All of your clients will respond to your emails to any of your queries.
  3. All of your clients will have excellent internal controls. None of your testing of these controls may yield any observations, much less findings for considerations in management letter.
  4. May all of your clients have an excess of controls and material strength in their internal controls to give you 100% confidence of their financial statements being in accordance with US GAAP.

May all your jobs be completed within the budget, if not well under it and may you all be qualified for a large bonus because of this!

May our partners, directors and senior managers win big during this upcoming Hindu New Year and may we continue to grow bigger and better!


Your personal and professional life may take a big leap and may you motivation come to you to achieve big successes that you may not have dreamed off! Om Tat Sat!



Hasmukh Joshi is an audit supervisor and primarily works in MJ’s public sector auditing department. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and is originally from India.